The following has been sent to us by St James' Church, as a review of their ChoirFest event funded by CultureDale.
Last month, seven choirs - Shared Harmonies, Waiting for Dawn, Corista, Under the Bridge, Vocal Highs, Three Valleys Gospel Choir and Calderdale Valley Voices, each performed three pieces followed by everyone including the audience singing together. The ChoirFest was in aid of the local charity, Music for the Many who were represented by a group of three teens called Low Expectations. High Expectations might have been a better description because the packed church of about 160 singers and over 60 people who had come to listen donated £1100 and a further £400 for the refreshments. A number of participants brought in delicious homemade cakes including vegan, dairy-free, and gluten-free choices, something for everyone.
It was a lovely atmosphere and the singing was continued by some in the Fox and Goose afterwards. Others returned the next evening to see the Georgian ensemble, Mtiebi and Amer-Imeri who are on a UK tour. The evening was arranged by our local Zarebi Georgian Choir.

St James’ Church hosted the ChoirFest. It was the first event in their ColdenCulture@St James programme organised with the aid of a grant from CultureDale. The next event on 27th July is called “And Miss Mary Smith gave 3d” - A celebration day about stained-glass funded by a Calder Ward Forum Grant. Further details can be found at: